Content You’ll Digest Easier Than a Banana — And Learn Something

Luciano Kovacevic
2 min readOct 29, 2021


Charicature eating an animated banana
Photo edited in paint

There could only be two reasons why you’re here. You eaither have a dirty mind or you like bananas.

The internet is overwhelmed with complicated content. It shouldn’t be like that.

It’s boring. It’s doesn’t digest like a banana.

Imagine if most educational content was easy to read. Plus, imagine if you could read everything in less than three minutes.

Maybe while walking towards your favorite food place. While (not) listening to your aunt. Or while having your Zen moment on a toilet bowl.

Write and teach as you speak

an image with a text that says “please do, so we can all understand”
Photo edited in paint

I could have tried to make my point by writing this.

“Today’s objective is to avoid writing collection of words containing an abundance of interrelated components that have an inclination to articulate how impertinent I am towards the durability of your mental energy.”

When in fact my goal is to write content that is easily digested.

Just like a banana.

A super banana that teaches you something.

In his article, Dave Bailey showed one fine example. This is how Uber’s owner described his app in one sentence:

‘You push a button and in five minutes a Mercedes picks you up and takes you where you want to go.’

That is the goal. A very easy explanation behind a very complicated concept.

I don’t need to give you “12 easy ways to write digestible content”.

It is unnecessary.

I need to give you a banana.

A content should feel like a power nap

An average Joe charicature sitting in a cafe and holding a phone
Photo by Kaylah Matthews

Average Joe spends around 3 hours and 15 minutes a day on phone.

This ordinary Joe sees around 5,000 ads per day.

Most of the time Joe Schmo is using his phone to escape. From complications, conversations, responsibilities, his thoughts, demanding work, your content (perhaps).

Maybe your Joe just wants to take a rest. Breathe and read something he likes just for a minute.

Maybe he wants just one ad, not five thousand of them.

Now, the question is — where would Joe escape?

Would he run somewhere where his escapism brings more complications?

Or would he go somewhere where he can eat a banana?

We should all meditate on this.

And eat a banana.



Luciano Kovacevic
Luciano Kovacevic

Written by Luciano Kovacevic

I write entertain & educate. | Senior SEO Content Strategist | Content Enthusiast | Personal Website 👉

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