Thirst for Isolation
Is it really that bad?

Isolation is not a gift. It’s a necessity.
Sooner or later, after having experienced one, we realize it uncloaks deep-hidden truths. It’s an experience very telling of our current state of affairs — of our emotional settle-downs.
Gifts are pleasant. Calling isolation a pleasant experience would be dangerously off target. Baptising it as revealing and insightful is something else — and more precise.
Most people, therefore, avoid isolation. At all costs. All kind of dragons and infinite levels of “boredom” come to surface. It’s common sense — if you’re nearby, just ask Frodo if he’d climb the mountain Doom ever again.
Some people though, thirst isolation when there’s a prolonged absence. They see it as necessary. It’s unwinding properties, allow those individuals to check if they derailed somewhere along the way. If they’ve been running the invisible wheel in a rat race. It also frees up the space for a well-needed mental restart.
If you ever feel the pressure from society not to isolate — ignore it. Nothing is wrong with you. Follow your internal compas. The society just didn’t catch up yet. How could it…